This is a Four Day Training: January 9-12th 2020

“A Journey To Abundance and Prosperity”, is a training where in 4 days, you create a clear understanding of what True Abundance and Prosperity means to you. This fun and interactive training will introduce principles, practices, and techniques to build a prosperous life. 

  • Thursday January 9th, Registration @ 5pm, Session 6pm - 10pm
  • Friday, January 10th: Session 6pm - 10pm
  • Saturday & Sunday January 11-12, Session 10am - 8pm

* All end times are approximate

  • Register one individual for $495.

  • Register for TWO trainings. The Abundance & Prosperity training in December AND the Relationships Training, August 7-9 2020 and you will save $345 (normally 495x2)! Must pay in FULL



Tuition paid is non-refundable. Tuition may be deferred to the next scheduled training for no additional fee. Tuition may be transferred to another eligible participant to be used in a similar training (level 1 for level 1, level 2 for level 2) for a $50 transfer fee.
Transfers of tuition shall incur a $50 transfer fee. Any request for deferment or transfer must be made prior to the start date of the training.
RegFox Event Registration Software